How satisfied are you with the knowledge you gained from the GWO course?

92% very satisfied.

8% satisfied.

Do you feel this experience was effective in making you safer in your working environment?

100% yes.

Did the instructor encourage participants to engage in discussions?

92.3% yes.

7.7% somewhat.

Did you feel the instructor was prepared and communicated expectations clearly?

88.5% yes.

11.5% somewhat.

Did you feel the instructor had good time management and communicated clearly?

88.5% yes.

11.5% somewhat.

How would you rate the cleanliness of the facility?

96% extremely clean.

4% very clean.

How would you rate the food and beverages provided to you during your training?

88% extremely satisfied.

8% very satisfied.

4% satisfied.

Overall, did your experience at the NOWI meet your expectations?

100% yes.